Главная » Телевизоры Saturn » Saturn LED 32M
Saturn LED 32M
— ЖК-телевизор
— 32"
— 1366x768
— 720p HD
— 50 Гц
— мощность звука 10 Вт
— HDMI x3
— артикул 679124
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Saturn LED 32" USB 2.0 movie april 20-21-22 139000 amd
EU N?O INDICO modelos de televis?es. Por favor, n?o me pe?a para comparar ou dizer qual ? melhor. Tire suas pr?prias conclus?es com o v?deo e com outros reviews da internet.
? Especifica??es:

? Esta televis?o n?o possui gravador digital de programa??o (PVR).
? Para utilizar a fun??o AnyNet+ (HDMI-CEC), a fun??o deve estar habilitada em ambos dispositivos.
? Para utilizar smartphone como controle remoto, o aplicativo deve estar instalado no aparelho e a fun??o habilitada em ambos dispositivos.
Aplicativo dispon?vel para iOS e Android.
? Para utilizar o AllShare (DLNA) a fun??o deve estar habilitada em ambos dispositivos.
No computador, baixe o aplicativo AllShare:

? Para conectar a internet sem fios ? necess?rio adaptador USB exclusivo vendido separadamente.
No manual diz:
Reprodu??o de v?rios formatos de v?deo (DivX, MP4, 3GPP, AVI, ASF, MKV, etc.);
Compatibilidade com v?rios formatos de legenda (SRT, SMI, SUB, TXT, TTXT);
Eu n?o uso essa fun??o, a minha fica ligada no PC. N?o sei quais formatos funcionam nem se roda legenda.
Called by Wired Magazine an "authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions," and "erudite conspiracy hunter," Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Considered to be a "modern-day Indiana Jones" for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. He is the producer of the documentary films, "2012 The Odyssey", its sequel "Timewave 2013" and "Infinity; The Ultimate Trip". Jay joins us to discuss his latest film "Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick". The acclaimed American film director Stanley Kubrick told an important story with all his films and they all connect with each other and communicate a message. The question is if Kubrick was murdered considering what he trying to reveal with his films. We start to examine the film "Eyes Wide Shut" and how it connects with mind control, the elite, satanic, archonic, and demonic forces. We also discuss the Brotherhood of Saturn, the secret space program and Arthur C. Clarke. Topics Discussed: Kubric's Odyssey, Eyes Wide Shut, Operation Monarch, occult, sex-cults, Kubrick murdered, storytelling with films, A.I., pedophilia, Archons, Demons, Lolita, bear symbolism, Jim Garrison, Lee Harvey Oswald, NASA, the real space program, Babalon Bunch, Saturnian Society, JPL, the ringmakers, hexagonal rings on Saturn, Jupiter, Zeus, Saturn, Set, Buzz Aldrin comments on the Monolith Phobos, Lord of the Rings, Iapateus, Sargon, rings of Saturn, time trap and more.
Просмотров: 78145
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    TV-sovet.ru Телевизоры Saturn Saturn LED 32M