Главная » Телевизоры Orion » Orion LED3241
Orion LED3241
— ЖК-телевизор
— 32"
— 1366x768
— 720p HD
— 50 Гц
— мощность звука 20 Вт
— HDMI x3
— артикул 421316
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Seria oznaczona nazw? Orion, skierowana jest dla najbardziej wymagaj?cych klient?w. Rega?y bezkompromisowo ??cz? w sobie najlepsze materia?y, wyko?czenie malowaniem proszkowym oraz atrakcyjn? cen?. Wyselekcjonowana stal zosta?a
poddana kszta?towaniu mechanicznemu, dzi?ki czemu uzyskali?my niespotykan? stabilno?? w tej klasie cenowej. Innowacyjny i opatentowany system monta?u sprawia, ?e sk?adanie rega?u staje si? proste i szybkie jak nigdy a efekty zadowol? ka?dego klienta - rega? bez obci??enia zachowuje si? jak by by? przymocowany do ?ciany.
To wszystko dzi?ki zastosowaniu specjalnie kszta?towanej blachy stalowej oraz u?yciu unikalnego systemowi monta?u.
Bezpiecze?stwo i gwarancj? no?no?ci 275 kg na p??k? zapewniaj? dwie poprzeczki wzmacniaj?ce
w ka?dej p??ce. Poprzeczki s? ruchome, dzi?ki czemu mo?esz ich po?o?enie regulowa? w zale?no?ci od potrzeb.
Poza lakierowaniem proszkowym kt?re poprawia wygl?d i eliminuje wszelkie ostre kraw?dzie standardem dla
rega??w Orion jest tak?e system wype?nienia p??ek w kt?rym p?yta HDF jest ukryta w stela?u rega?u.
Projektuj?c Oriona za g??wny cel postanowili?my sobie unikanie kompromis?w. Proponujemy Ci system gdzie sam b?dziesz m?g? wybra? parametry swojego rega?u. Sam wybierasz wysoko??, szeroko?? i g??boko??. Sam
dobierasz ilo?? p??ek jak? ma zawiera? Tw?j rega?. Stworzyli?my doskona?y produkt, w atrakcyjnej cenie, dodali?my
tak?e darmow? wysy?k? przy wp?acie na konto i tak oto stworzyli?my dla was najlepsz? ofert? na rynku.
NYCTA Exclusive! : On-Board Designline "Citibus" Eco-Saver IV 1304 On The M5 Part One

The newest Designline Hybrid to be in revenue service with some noticeable changes, the bus now has Hanover LEDs instead of the Luminator Horizon LEDs, and the rear seats have the seats facing forward instead of being against the windows

The Designline " Citibus" Eco-Saver IV Hybrid has tested out of MJQ and is now testing out of Manhattanville Depot. Bus # 1303 has been testing out of Grand Ave depot on routes such as the B13, B60 & B43 lines.

A 35ft version of this bus was tested and it was successful, hence allowing the order of the new Designline buses.

There will be 8 buses for the pilot program, if the buses pass, the order will be 30 buses with 60 in the optional order.

Engine and Transmission specifications are as follows

Capstone C65 MicroTurbine
Bosch Rexroth 120kW Traction Motors

This is by far the most quiet hybrid out in service today. The Orion VII Originals & Next Gens are noisemakers compared to these buses.

This bus was also on routes like the M2, M3, M4, M9, M11, M27, M42, M50, M98, B13, B60 & B43 routes!
Australian led troops arrive into Waimate via helicopter to set up a forward operating base deep in enemy territory and start patrolling through the streets.
Like us on Southern Katipo Facebook page to get up to date news on the exercise!
Danny Wilten Exposed 2013

Recently, Danny Wilten asked his followers to come to my videos that I made about him and FLAG them. I knew this was true from two ways. One, an anonymous person sent me a message telling me that he said this on facebook. This person was correct, because that very day and the next day, i had many followers of Danny come to my videos leaving comments, which was way above normal. I get a message every now and then, but for the past two days, I have gotten a vast amount of comments which proves that the person who sent me the message was correct.
A Documentary Research Film by Truthiracy Films House of Wisdom 2013
Author: Christopher Lord
(Material is the opinion of Christopher Lord of Truthiracy Films)

Here is the message the person sent to me;
"Danny Wilten...things you should know.
Okay this is the only message I am going to send you, please do not respond or ask me for further information or mention you received this information from me. The only reason I am giving you this information is that he posted your video regarding him being a scam artist in his facebook group today then asked people to visit your video and flag it. I feel he is the pied piper leading those who can't think off the edge of the cliff with him while he continues on his path to fame and glory or so he believes. Many like myself are now seeing the truth but others are so easily led by his fancy photoshopped images, if he was in truth he would not not need to manipulate them they would be there for all to see.
While I don't agree with everything you say I am doing this because you are right Danny Wilten is deceiving people and only providing this false information to others to gain more popularity and accolades and boost flagging sales of his ebook.
The first thing I can tell you is that his latest brain and Orion picture has been heavily manipulated, he has skewed the image of Orion to fit the brain and he has photoshopped parts out that don't fit. Anyone with basic photoshop or graphic skills will be able to find this.
Secondly he posted his information on the Graham Hancock forum at the beginning of the year thinking he could fool them as he so easily does to his "non-thinking" followers on YT. However they called him out and he did not like this only he did not have the power to remove the comments like he does on YT and they are still there for all to see if brought attention to. You will notice in one comment he blatantly lied and says he has a channel of 20,000 subs. If someone who claims to be so spiritual and conscious can lie about that what else is he lying about?
Here is the link the discussion thread that shows him for what he is...

As I said please don't reply as I am only doing this because he dragged up your old video for more sympathy and so all his blind followers can stroke his ever increasing ego."
NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
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    TV-sovet.ru Телевизоры Orion Orion LED3241